Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Virtual Ethernet - PowerVM

Commands for the VIO Servers :

1. To list all the adapters
# lsdev -type adapter

2. To list all the virtual adapters
# lsdev -virtual

3. To list the configuration of a Ethernet adapter (including its MAC Address)
# lscfg -l ent3

4. To list all the slots (Physical  and Virtual) along with the devices
# lsdev -slots

5. To create a SEA using the physical adapter (ent0), virtual adapter (ent2), PVID as 1
# mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent2 -default ent2 -defaultid 1 

6. To create a SEA using the physical adapter (ent0), virtual adapter (ent2), PVID as 1, control channel (ent4)
# mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent2 -default ent2 -defaultid 1 -attr ha_mode=auto ctl_chan=ent4

7. To identify the speed and duplex on a physical adapter
# lsdev -dev ent0 -att | grep media_speed

8. To set the speed and duplex on a physical adapter
# chdev -dev ent0 -attr media_speed=100_Full_Duplex

9. To remove the current tcpip/ip configuration
# rmtcpip -all

10. To configure the IP Addr on a network interface
# mktcpip -hostname vios1 -inetaddr -interface ent3 -netmask -gateway

11. To list the IP Address info
# lstcpip -num -state

12. To list the routing table
# lstcpip -routtable

13. To list the Physical/Virtual/Shared Ethernet Adapter mapping
# lsmap -all -net

14. To identify the port VLAN ID of a virtual adapter:
# entstat -all ent2 | grep "Port VLAN ID"

15. To identify the port VLAN ID of a virtual adapter:
# entstat -all ent2 | grep "Switch ID"

16. To identify the Control Channel of a SEA:
# entstat -all ent5 | grep "Control Channel"

17. To identify the priority of a SEA:
# entstat -all ent5 | grep "Priority"

Commands for AIX Partition :

1. To identify the VLAN ID
# entstat -d ent0 | grep ID

2. To identify the MAC Address
# entstat -d ent0 | grep Address

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